The Battle Creek Pride logo

Battle Creek Pride a resource for the local LGBTQ+ community

How much do you know about Battle Creek Pride, our local LGBTQ+ organization? In the United States, it is...
KCC students walk on campus during one of the College's annual Bruin Blast welcome-back events for students in the fall.

Price, location and resources: Why students choose KCC over four-year schools

Kellogg Community College offers up a variety of different opportunities for students to better understand what life can be like after high...
The new fountains at the North Avenue Campus in Battle Creek

Students save money by starting their education at a community college

It is no surprise that there is a difference between attending a university and a community college. Those who attend a university...
An illustration of women doing yoga while reading.

Tips for handling stress as a college student

College can be exhausting and may feel like it’s not worth it. We all have been there. This article...
A student works on a laptop in the Student Center.

The pros and cons of online classes

Online school has become incredibly popular since COVID-19. There are many questions that people have about online school...

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