
“Into The Woods” enchants audiences in first KCC and What A Do Theatre collaboration

The Battle Creek community has yet again found themselves in the woods - this time with some old and new faces. The...

What’s your favorite campus study spot?

What do you do when you have an hour or two in between classes? Some days you may spend your extra time...
a panoramic view of the art exhibit

How to Make Money with a “Useless” Degree

When a student declares their major, reactions from family and friends can range from excitement to skepticism. With some degrees, like engineering...

DANCESCAPE offers low cost adult dance classes in Battle Creek

Anyone else feeling the winter blues right about now? With the joy of the holiday season over and the sunshine and flowers...
The Student Life Office.

Questions about KCC? Student Life is a life saver

One of the first things I realized upon becoming a freshman in college was that I had absolutely no clue what I...

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